Monday, June 27, 2011

My decline into the Murky Abyss that is Pop Music!

What can I guiltiest pleasure (besides the company of small asian, preferably Taiwanese, boys) is straight up top 40 pop music. You lie like my rug if you say you can't help but get attached to them a little.

AND HERE COMES THE MUSIC SNOB! We know one, or two, or forty. The guy or girl who can't love pop music because it's just too popular. Well I've got a news flash for you music SNOB "Afghans Build Security, and Hope to Avoid Infiltrators (that seriously was a news flash in the New York Times today).

But I digress. What I wanted to say was, "Your life will become more fun and interesting when you let pop music into your heart." Look how cool it made Michael Jackson, he was the coolest 13 year old (arrested development) ever! And Katie Perry...she's got HUGE boobs (. ) ( .) (again, a digression but still noteworthy).

Let pop music fill your ears like water filled the lungs of those on the Titanic...too soon? Write me an email or leave a comment and I will set you up with 10 great new pop songs you won't be able to turn off. BAM!

Yours Truly,

Thomas VanMelum

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Interesting Reporting

Watch this video until the end. I know some people might get offended with the "too soon" argument so I will tread lightly. It's is unfortunate that Dunn died so young and it's even more unfortunate how he died. I find it interesting that the report chooses to mention the pillaging, and the disgrace it is to Dunn, instead of focusing on the alleged 130 mph and drunk driving. I guess ultimately it's interesting they found it necessary to interview a grieving person immediately after they view the devastation.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This video speaks for itself...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Take that Lauren...we're getting on the internet

Well, Meagan is so excited that we are on this blog she follows religiously. So instead of writing a ton of stuff about it, I will just redirect you there: