Thursday, July 14, 2011

Photos make life Cooler

Seriously, I hear a lot of people complain about these photo apps being "trendy" and stupid and what not...go eat a D! These photo apps are making me seem so cool you don't even understand. When I have kids, my #1 priority will be to make sure they know how cool I am/was. These are examples of some cool photo apps I have downloaded, this one is called Diptic. Here's a scenario:

Scenario 1
Billie (that's my pseudo kids name): Hey Pop, want to go play basketball?
Thomas: I was dunking by the time I was in 8th grade Billie. 8TH GRADE!!!
Billie: That's awesome dad. Let's go play.
Thomas: Not yet, let's look at these cool photos of me dunking from back then.

Scenario 2
Billie: I just discovered this old tv show called The Office, it's so funny.
Thomas: Here are some photos of me hanging with the whole crew of The Office.
Billie: Pop, you knew everyone! You are so cool...
Thomas: Just for good measure, let's do an experiment. Sit there Billie, and I'll take a picture of you just standing there. BAM! Now here's a picture of me just standing there from a long time ago. How much cooler do I look than you?!?!?
Billie: Fiddle sticks. You look AWESOME!

So yeah...

1 comment:

  1. fyi our child will not be named Billie.... thanks and yup you will be a cool dad but not as cool as I am!
