Friday, September 9, 2011

Disco Balls and Man Calls

It's been awhile since I've's 'cause I'm married bitch! If you weren't there here is what you missed:

In-N-Out Burgers
Eye Candy
Nose Candy
Strong Drinks
Some muted pinks
Lots of white
Loud music
and just an overall GAY time. BLAM! I hope Lauren Birchfield is ok...haven't seen her for awhile. Maybe it's because I can't see her through the amount of dust I just left her in. Just call me Gandhi because I peaced out (yup just made that up). I was having a conversation with my dog yesterday, Oswald (he's such a great listener), and we discovered a lot in our little discussion. Namely, fragmented sentences are the key to the truncated attention spans we all have these days.

What's up with "these days?" What about "those days?"

I almost buried myself and my own bachelor party with the amount of activities we were accomplishing. Turns out, if you have a steady stream of alcohol and a dash of food, you can run for days. I can confirm this test based off of my 3 day bachelor trip in Santa Catalina. Aside from Jake passing out on the pier 1 hour into the trip, and AY ducking out early every night, everybody champed out, hardcore (not this hardcore but this hardcore). UHH! It's like that sick drum fill....boot a bap boom boom! Sound it out, you'll hear it.

So many crazy adventures, so many crazy faces...I'm coming back at it because I want to make time for you internet! I owe you everything internet...let me purge my life story all over your spongy surface. Soak it up.

Thomas VanMelum

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