Thursday, March 3, 2011

Backflips, Nipple Slips, and The Clips

BLAM! We were chasing around fucking Ninja Turtles EVERYWHERE in LA last night--SHREDDER! Nutz, Jesse, Jake, and myself enjoyed an entertaining game at the Houston Rocket's expense. The night was not all fun and games though (no, nobody got their eye poked out). We had a common goal: to end up on the Jumbotron (this would make Lauren envious for sure). We air humped like crazy, we danced with eachother, we showed a little boobie, and we accomplished nothing (except entertaining our immediate seat neighbors)! We just can't compete with girls wearing Clippers gear, gay guys doing their rendition of every famous broadway musical dance, and cute little kids who could be on biggest loser. Varily, we could not have tried harder, and because of this, I can put this one in the win column.
These girls to the right agreed to take a picture with Jake and some jackass took a picture of him at the exact same time as me, so his flash ruined the photo. I'm thinking, WTF!?!? But probably not for the reasons you are thinking. Here goes:

Why is some random dude taking a picture of Jake, a guy he doesn't know, with these girls?

Serioulsy. Seriously. seriously. The only logical explanation I can come up with, is that he is using Jake as an excuse to take a picture of the girls. Thus, Jake will end up being in this random guy's "alone time." Sorry Jake, but you inadvertently got stuck in a "sticky" situation, and for that I apologize. Zinger!

All in all it was a great time...3 Jews and Nutz. I say that because I thought of an amazing show to combat with The View, it's called 3 Jews and Nutz. We sit around talking about current events (mainly complaining), but there's a twist. Part of the whole show is to get your entire point across while eating nuts. There's very few things that are more disgusting than listening to a person talk while eating nuts. Then, talking yourself and watching them clean their teeth with their tongue because they have nut residuals. The End. PS This tv show will be more than one-dimensional.

Thomas VanMelum

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