Monday, March 7, 2011

Life is FULL of awesomeness when you're Me. And we are all me.

Where to begin? Let's start at the tequila party because I'm so excited I can still remember everything (I'm assuming very few others at this party shared this ability). Girlfren' and I went to Emily and Justin's engagement party which was to die for --so chic (as the French say)... so di classe (as the Italians say)... or as I put it: "Fucking Righteous Broseph." We may have very well been in San Diego with the party being thrown by Ron Burgundy, that's how classy this thing was.

Class is something you expect in Newport Beach, but they took it one step further. While we were all dining on beautifully prepared catered food, we noticed we were in the presence of a black widow -- which was looming just above our heads the entire time. What a unique way to spice up dinner, have some fun, and keep the adrenaline level high. Golf clap to all that were involved with the making of this wonderful party. GOLF CLAP!
Now Girlfren' and I like to consider ourselves cultured, worldly, and sophisticated; so we went to Claim Jumper and ate with our friends Kyle and Katie the next night. The highlight of the night was Katie talking about how Curios Kyle electrocuted himself one evening, and Katie's impression of him was not only hysterical but also impeccable. Here is Kyle getting electrocuted:

I guess you had to be there.

Thomas VanMelum

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