Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Blog is Back Alright! (Backstreets Back)

Hey Guys,

I'm back...and I've shaved. So Chris Greer was telling me about how if you search for Lauren Birchfield in Google she comes up all over the place. Seriously, try it (click this link) Lauren Birchfield . And it got me to thinking, we all should be all over the place! So this is my attempt to make that happen, at least a little bit, and I'm going to be Thomas VanMelum because nobody has that name.

Here is my girlfriend Meagan Carlberg (aka Girlfren') and Oswald at the beach (we have an open relationship). If you ever want to talk to people about your dog, go'll foam at the mouth just as much as your dog you'll get to talk about them so much. Oswald and I spend most of our nights chasing squirrels (has anyone else noticed this squirrel infestation?) that I have shot with my BB gun. Just kidding, or am I?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting this thing fired back up and running and increasing the entertainment in the small community that is MY LIFE.

Oh yeah, I would also like to get Blake Griffin on this blog (click on his name to watch his highlights). And I want a pony.

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