Thursday, January 20, 2011

Vlog Test...123

So the reason this is significant:
1) It's dark outside, and I am going bodysurfing in 12 foot waves by myself.
2) I work at 9am, so I got to still do a full work day
3) IT TOTALLY FUCKIN' WORKED!!! In at work like nothing ever happened.

So you might ask... "How early did you have to wake up to do this?" Well, the answer is 4:00am. However, it's not really that hard to wake up that early when Girlfren' is already up and getting ready for work [as seen in this picture]. I've always wanted to be 60 and talking with my friends and have them say ask how I accomplished so much random stuff, and of course answer "I just sleep less."

Enough...let's talk about something else. Like the fact that Lambert (my prius) is a fucking champ. Or the fact that my job fucking rocks. Or the fact that I have the best Girlfren' in the world. Or that my butt has been itchy for the past 3 days and I'm too embarrassed to scratch it! Yeah, I'm pumped on life. And today, I'm going to scratch my butt!

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