Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hefty Lefty

Well, today I decided to be left least for awhile. My right hand has been hurting me so much (I think due to it being my mouse hand) that I have decided to use my left hand for the mouse from now on (or at least until my right hand stops hurting).

You'd think this would be an easy switch but it's not entirely easy. My whole desk is based on my being right handed, so I had to literally rearrange my entire desk so that my arm and hand could fit on the left side of the desk. You always hear or watch these stories about moms who have no arms and take care of their children with their feet, or blind and mentally challenged musicians like Billy Ray Cyrus (I'm assuming he's blind based solely on his fashion sense and that he's mentally challenged based on a few interviews I saw being able to get the job done. So I thought why couldn't I make the switch. I guess from now on I am going to approach things with a different attitude. Hey, if someone else can do it, I'm sure I can. Now, I'll probably fall flat on my face on a few things, but I might succeed in a few too.

Sometimes I think the only person stopping you from accomplishing something is yourself. I know everyone has felt this way one time or another. You keep focusing on how or why something can't be done. Maybe it's because people have told you it can't be done, or maybe it's because you've never seen it done before. But maybe part of being a happy person is proving people wrong, and breaking into new territory -- even if it's just new territory for you and not necessarily mankind. I think that over time you'll notice that a lot of things people say you can't do or that's not how it's done, really have no foundation in truth whatsoever. I guess we'll just have to see.

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