Friday, February 4, 2011

The Man With No Face

The man with no face is Jon Vandersloot! Girlfren' and I had dinner with Jonny V. and Chris @ Yardhouse a few nights ago. We discussed a lot of things: world hunger, how to tackle a bear, why the women in the booth sitting next to us had a UPS package with her (true story).But, most importantly we talked about taking over Lauren Birchfield's google popularity and general world domination. If you aren't familiar with the Lauren Birchfield domination, look her up in google: Lauren Birchfield.

She is a classmate of ours and is dominating in the realm of internet awesomeness. One of the main purposes of this blog is to exceed her internet success story and replace it with my own: THOMAS VANMELUM! It will be mine, oh yes. It will be mine.

What makes this competition even better is the fact that she is completely unaware of it. In the past, I have found it is much easier to beat the competition when the competition doesn't even know they are competing. Follow me?

This other picture is of Girlfren' at her Antropologie Fashion Show. Congrats to Girlfren'! I felt so hoytie toytie djing with all these fashion people around. Mike Radford made it out to the event along with his GF Brittany Hughes (I'm assuming Mike forced Brittany to go because of his love for women's clothing, specifically Anthropologie's clothing).

Mike and I also came up with a new song called "Helping Your Mom," look for it and the dance on iTunes next month.

HELP YOUR MOM (1st Verse)
When I'm up and feeling slow
My mom would scream my name and tell me to go.
The school bus is coming and I got to make it there.
But then I hear my mom fall down the stairs.
I rush her to the hospital and she finally awakes.
I tell her "I'm here mom. I'll do whatever it takes."

Everybodies humping their mom these days.
Everybodies humping their mom these days.
Hump your mom hump your mom hump your mooooooooom.
Hump your mom hump your mom hump your mooooooooom.

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